Monday, August 9, 2010


Today I printed off a copy of the book list and highlighted all the ones I have read. I love keeping track of goals this way. I do the same thing with school sometimes. The satisfaction that comes from that little stripe of pink neon is unmeasurable. I highlighted 'Notes from a small island" by Bill Bryson. It was terrific. A very funny book about all the quirkiness of Britain. I recommend it, but it has a bit of colorful language you may want to avoid. I loved reading it.

I haven't decided what to work on next. Because I am requesting most of them from the library, I have to think about it in advance so it has time to get to me :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the satisfaction of that pink neon... A couple years ago me and my mom read through the Bible together with a schedule I found online... (It was actually really cool... They planned it out so you would read a little bit from the old testament, some from the new and some psalms/proverbs everyday...) And to see the days being crossed out in blue marker... It just made me so happy :)
    How many books do you have left?
