Monday, November 8, 2010

I have a little problem...

I get these ideas in my head like "I want to paint a mural of vines and flowers on my ceiling"

or "I want to sew a dress that I can wear for running outside and feeling like a Narnian princess"

or "I should blog everyday for a year"

or "Let's see if I can read 80 books in a month"

Usually, they don't happen. But if I really get latched onto a project, it happens.

If it has something to do with sewing, it usually goes like this:
"That dress is the most beautiful one I've ever seen. I'm sewing one."

It happened again. I found the most beautiful dress ever. I'm sewing one.
Stay tuned for updates.

1 comment:

  1. please post a picture....when you get it done...(I KNOW you will)
