Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Hero

I was sitting on the trampoline with Ethan and Eli yesterday.

Eli run up to me and says "Hey little lady (?) ! You look like you need help! But don't worry, I'll save you! I am Buzz Lightyear!"

He bounces around the trampoline in circles a few times humming an impromptu tune somewhat reminiscent of the William Tell overture. Like a chase scene from an western movie, complete with sound effects (Ha! Take that! Gotcha!) only...with one person...and an invisible nemesis.

He stops.
Large gasp. "Oh no! I see...I see...a bear!"

He rushes off and presumably does away with the bear.

"Oh, Eli! How can I ever thank you?"

"I'm not Eli! I'm...Buzz...Lightyear!!!"

(quick side note. Ethan has a stuffed puppy named Finnegan, you know, like, from Mr. Dress up? Anyhow, Eli and Ethan are both quite into Toy Story. Eli is all over Buzz Lightyear. But they've confused the phrase a little bit so it becomes...

"Too infinnegan, and beyond!"

For any of you who don't know, it's actually to infinity and beyond. Hilarious.)

Eli rushes off again, running with a passion and a flame in his heart.

I can fairly hear Chariots of Fire.
My hero.


  1. "To infinnegan"???? That's AWESOME. I love Eli - he cracks me up.

    Mrs. K. :)

  2. Emma, you captures the moments around this place so well! And I'm glad you were spared...thanks again Buzz.

  3. oops, that was me! And sorry for the typo...

  4. so cute... I think buzz might say, 'little lady' to one of the other characters on the movie... But I could be wrong... I haven't seen that movie in forever...
