Saturday, March 21, 2009

The store

Today my brothers have friends over and they decided to have a store at the end of our driveway. They are selling things such as pieces of scrap metal, leaf arrangements and homemade cards. I only spent $4.50 and I got a nice trowel, a carved cross for an easter decoration and some cards. They are also getting buckets of water from the puddles on our driveway and marketing them for people to water their plants with. Go check it out!!

p.s. pictures to come, I promise!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chemainus Theatre

Yes, I apologize that there are still no pictures of tofino. Very sorry, very sorry. Today my grandma and I went to Chemainus Theatre and watched 'Mr. Pim passes by.' It was really funny. After we watched it I was surprised to find out that it was written by A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh) and that he wrote seven novels and over 25 plays. Apparently Pooh was so popular that it overshadowed all the rest of his works, a fact that caused him great annoyance. He was hoping to become an author for adults but the only thing everybody thought of when they heard A.A.Milne is Hey, that's the Winnie the Pooh guy. His writing must be just kids' stuff. So, anyhow he was bugged by that.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Oh, and I promise to put up photos of our trip soon!


We went to Tofino for a few days from Monday to Thursday this week. Monday was my 14th birthday! I'm sure I will have a lot of stories to tell but this is my favorite:

On the way home we stopped at Chesterman Beach for a few hours. We were going for a walk across the beach and I had been giving Eli lots of piggybacks along the way. I put him down for a while because I was tired. Then Eli said "Emma, I need a piggyback," in a little whiney voice. "Eli," I said "I don't think I can carry you." "Why not?" Eli whined. "Because," I said "You're just so big!" "No," he said. "Emma, I'm so little. And I am also scared of the ground."

Scared of the ground. That's one I've never heard before. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

held hostage by the evil baby bassinette

Today my mom and dad were cleaning out the crawl-space to make room for some more things to go in there. After they were mostly finished, we were going to take the little newborn baby crib that has been sitting in our family room since my little cousin grew out of it. My dad asked me to come and carry one end of it and we'd take it into the crawl-space. Now, our crawl-space is not truly a crawl-space. You can't stand up straight, but you don't have to actually go on hands and knees. However, you can't go from side to side. There is one path that goes straight down and the middle, about two feet wide, and there is nowhere else to go. So I took one end of the crib and pulled it into the crawl-space path. My dad came up behind. Once I had walked as far as I could go, I said to my dad "I can't take it any further, I'm in the way." I turned around, preparing to go back to the exit. The crib was standing there in front of me, taking up more space than the path. Hmmmmmm..... "Are you going to be able to get out?" my dad asked. No. I was trapped in a two foot by two foot by three foot space and I was not going to get out. So we pushed the crib to the edge of the crawl-space and then I crawled underneath.