Friday, December 11, 2009

A Hooptabazillion years since my last blog.

Yeah folks, so I'm back. And hopefully I will be able to get on here more often to write. I like doing it, but don't have heaps of time just at the minute. We just got our Christmas tree today. It's nice and bushy. I like that, I don't go for little skimpy trees. And I don't like the fake ones either. If you have a fake one, it doesn't make your house smell nice. And that's half the point of a Christmas tree. I tried to make a swaggy type thing out of cedar branches and holly to hang on our door but it didn't work very well and looked kind of tacky. We have a choir concert in three days, and our dress rehearsal is tonight. We get to perform in the big Christchurch Cathedral downtown. It's beautiful and really old. We practice in a tiny little choir loft up above the main part. There's a teeny weeny spiral staircase that goes up to it made out of stone. Very cool indeed. I am looking forward to it. Oh yeah, and we get to wear the big red choir robes. It will be delightful.

Delightful is a nice old sounding word. Just ponder that. - Catherine Felton.

Love you all.
p.s. hopefully it will be less than a hooptabazillion years until my next blog. Then again, you never know with me.