Monday, August 2, 2010

There are brothers...

who are nice to their sisters

There are 13 year old brothers who say to their mum "Emma's done enough of the dishes, she can go on her walk. I'll finish up."

Even my mum said "Really?"

I had to pipe in with "Aaron and I like to be on the same team."

And we do. We're not always like that. We have spats just like everybody else. But I would say that most of the time, we like to be on the same team. And teammates help each other. I have to admit, however, Aaron's probably better at it then I am, but I'm working on it.

So, when I tell people that I have 5 younger brothers, and they gasp and say "oh my gosh" and "I feel sorry for you," I usually feel really sad. Brothers and sisters don't have to be the enemy. If you can be on the same team as your siblings, it really is the coolest thing.

There are brothers and sisters that love each other
There are siblings that are on the same team
We don't have to follow the 'normal' family pattern
So there, world.


  1. Watching you & Aaron at the sink that night was such a cool moment for me too. I love my awesome family :) And now I'm all teary...

  2. I agree! My cousins are always fighing and it drives me nuts! (Not my cousins that are related to you guys)
    (Cairo, not Paige :)

  3. I notice that we, Emma, Kali, Cairo, and myself are all oldests. We are in a position to foster that "same team" spirit simply by virtue of being firstborn (or, sadly, hinder it). And isn't it humbling and heartwarming to see the big-heartedness of our younger siblings, as they champion each other and us. tears of joy
