Monday, February 22, 2010

Farm Personnel Files: Volume 1

I talk a lot about them. But have never much described in detail the personnel files of the farm inhabitants. I'll just keep adding to this for a while.

Sweet Pea the man-eating goat, and Meadow her daughter who eats worms and thinks she's a human.

Sophia, who I found today wearing her bike helmet backwards because it doesn't fit the other way.

Dad, also known as Uncle Al. The math teacher who has 3 calculator applications on his ipod touch.

Eli, age 4, who informed me today that he only wipes his bum on saturdays, not mondays.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Eli's is SO FUNNY! I actally laughed out loud there...

    Your dad has THREE calculator apps on his Ipod? Nice...

    I can't wait for volume 2... This is awesome..:)

  2. Ha ha ha! I agree - we need volume 2!!

    Mrs. K.
