Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 things from today

1. When Dad was getting him dressed today, Ethan said Dad was 'a little bit dorky'. Apparently he learned it from Arthur.

2. Aaron and I are on a chess kick. We played 3 games yesterday and 4 today.

3. Eli has a sore throat and he told Mum that, although water is good, the thing that really makes it feel better is ice cream.

4. Okay, I can think of nothing else to say. Maybe it will be the 5 things from today.

5. Still no bambino! Mum and Dad are out on a date right now and I'm rooting for mum to come home and be in labor. That'd be good.

1 comment:

    There's charter's link!! Hope you guys are having a good day today - it's SNOWING here again - bah humbug.
