Sunday, January 17, 2010


I'm back. It's good.

I had a lovely choir camp. We learned all the Bach music for the Pacific Baroque Festival, we just have to practice it. Some of us jumped in the lake too! Last night we watched a Strauss opera and during the dancing scene we polkaed and waltzed around the back of the room. Jolly good fun.

Apparently Rachel and I were singing a duet in our sleep last night. From what we've been told one of us was singing and the other was grunting melodically. We had a somewhat heated argument about which was the singing and which was the grunting one.

This is a neat story. At choir camp I found out that the author of a book that I loved when I was about 10 is my friend's aunt! The Doll People (very good book, by the way, everyone should read it.) It's not a very common book but I found it in the library several years ago. Anyway, fun.

See you tomorrow :)